︎︎︎︎︎︎ Sonic idents are the crystal clear voice for your brand, a personality which points your audience to the message of your company. Our process is polished and refined, sometimes delivering 100+ assets delivering as many opportunities as possible throughout the production to find the right sound.
CheapTickets.nl - Sonic Brand
“What does vacation sound like?” In the case of Cheap Tickets, it meant warm beach sunsets with steel drums, electric bass, pianos, and tight topline vocals making it a quick and memorable jingle in Podcasts and videos alike.
Google - Boot-up Ident
The boot-up sound for the Nexus Q spans a full range of 4 octaves creating a lush sound comparable to the THX brand.
EA Games - Sonic Ident (Coming Soon)
The boot-up sound for a product implemented into Need For Speed, Sims, and Call of Duty. will be released soon.
Google - Setup Complete Animation
After setting up the Nexus, this welcome animation plays. Each colored world is sonically unique resolving on the logo at the end.